Break the Cube (FR)
Break the Cube (FR)
Break the Cube (FR)
Break the Cube (FR)
Break the Cube (FR)
Break the Cube (FR)

Break the Cube (FR)

Break the Cube (FR)

Regular price $27.99

In Break the Cube, you'll have to try to guess your opponent's structure that's hidden behind their screen before they find yours. To find it, you will have to ask the right questions at the right time from a choice of predefined questions. As soon as a player asks the fateful question: "Is the structure that I have reproduced identical to your secret structure?" and that the answer "YES", it will be declared a winner!

• A pure logic game with simple rules

• Fast and intense games

• Different sensations with two, three or four players

2 to 4 players

15 minutes

10 years +

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  • Secure payments

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