The Game in green VF
The Game in green VF
The Game in green VF
The Game in green VF

The Game in green VF

The Game in green VF

Regular price $22.99

Play a card, draw a card - it couldn't be easier, could it?

But make no mistake, because even though the title claims this game is quick and easy, The Game: En Vert et contre tous won't be easy to beat. You can only do this as a team! Specifically, to win, you must play all fifty cards from the deck onto both discard piles. The deck consists of fifty cards, with cards of five suits numbered 1 through 10 in each suit. Each player has a hand of two cards.

During a turn, you play one or two cards on one or both discard piles. On one pile you must play a higher card than the card on the top of the pile, whatever it is, and on the other you must play a lower card. The exception is that you can play any card on a discard pile if it is the same color as the top card. So on the ascending discard pile, the cards played can be blue 1, red 2, gray 4, yellow 6, yellow 2 - and this fall gives you room to play other cards.

2 to 5 players
10 minutes
8 years +

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